Physical Education
Our PE curriculum intends to engage all pupils in regular physical activity in order to develop themselves personally through building their confidence, resilience and knowledge on how to keep themselves mentally and physically healthy.
We implement our curriculum through: high quality sequenced PE lessons from ‘Get Set 4 PE’ which meets the National Curriculum, investments in school sport and a relentless focus on increasing physical activity. A broad range of sports are offered through our PE Curriculum Map and throughout the school day to give children ample opportunities to become active and to inspire them to succeed in physically-demanding activities and competitive sports.
The impact is that children have the knowledge, skills and understanding to become physically literate which enables them to lead and maintain healthy, active lives. Our PE curriculum contributes to the Personal Development and cultural capital of all our children. By working with Arches School Sports Partnership, we are able to increase children's participation in competitive sports across Sheffield, enabling children to reflect wisely, learn eagerly, behave with integrity and cooperate consistently well with others whilst developing a life-long love of sport and fitness.
The Government provides schools with additional funding to make sustainable improvements to the quality of PE, physical activity and school sport. To sustain the focus on improving PE and children's health and well-being, Physical Education remains a school priority at Angram Bank for 2023-24.
Evidencing the impact of PE Funding 2023 - 2024 shows the how our curriculum intention was implemented and the ways it has positively impacted our children at Angram Bank. This also includes; the amount of premium we have received, a full breakdown of how it has been spent, the impact we have seen on pupils' PE, physical activity and sports participation and attainment and how these improvements will be sustainable in the future.