Angram Bank Primary School


Foundation Stage One

The school has 78 free Nursery places for 3 and 4 year olds which are made up of mornings, afternoons and a very limited number of 2 and a half day sessions.  If you require a nursery place please contact Karen Gillespie, School Business Manager on 0114 2848553 or further details about free learning are available on the Sheffield Council website.  

Foundation Stage Two

The school follows the Local Authority Admissions Policy.  Children whose fifth birthday falls between the 1st September and 31st August will normally be admitted to full-time schooling in a reception class in September.  Children whose fifth birthday falls between 1st March and 31st August can if they choose be admitted to full-time schooling in a reception class later in January.  School has a standard number of 33 pupils per year.  We cannot guarantee a place in school if your child attends Angram Bank Nursery.  If the school is oversubscribed then the Local Authorities oversubscription criteria outlines the priorities for admissions.  The Local Authority is the admissions authority.  All admissions to school at age five are administered by the Sheffield Primary Admissions Team.   

If your application for a place at Angram Bank Primary School is unsuccessful, parents have a right of appeal and should contact the Primary Admissions Team.  The Admissions Working Party, an impartial tribunal, hears appeals; their decision is final.  More information and an online application form is available on the Sheffield Council Admissions website.

School Admissions

School has a standard number of 33 pupils per year.  If the school is oversubscribed then the Local Authorities oversubscription criteria outlines the priorities for admissions.  The Local Authority is the admissions authority. 

If your application for a place at Angram Bank Primary School is unsuccessful, parents have a right of appeal and should contact the Primary Admissions Team.  The Admissions Working Party, an impartial tribunal, hears appeals; their decision is final.  More information and an online contact form is available on the Sheffield Council Admissions website.